Registre de canvis

Aquesta és la darrera llista de llançaments, ordenada cronològicament.


Telesto on iOS  8.2.1     Telesto on Android  5.2.1     Telesto on Windows Telesto on macOS Telesto on Linux  7.2.1


  • Products: Add quick transactions directly from the product page.
  • Products: Switch between list and grid views.
  • Warehouses: Download and scan QR codes for locations.


  • Purchase Orders: Enhanced search to locate products.
  • Products: Added 30 and 60-day options for obsolete notices.
  • Miscellaneous: Floating save button for categories and locations.


  • Fixed keyword issue on iOS 15
  • Resolved issue with generating PDF for sales and purchase orders
  • Resolved navigation issues when returning home.

Telesto on iOS  8.1.0     Telesto on Android  5.1.0     Telesto on Windows Telesto on macOS Telesto on Linux  7.1.0


  • Products: View your products in grid or list format. (configurable in settings).
  • Products: Set a notice period to determine how many days until a product expires.
  • Reports: Generate reports for products expiring soon based on the notice period.
  • Reports: Transactions report now includes the stock balance after each transaction.


  • Reports: Product reports now show custom fields in PDFs.
  • Reports: Batches are now shown in the "Products Grouped by Warehouses" report.
  • Reports: Batches are now included in the "Warehouse" report.
  • Import: Product name is updated if present when importing CSV files.
  • Miscellaneous: Various minor interface improvements.


  • Products: Fixed issue with searching for products with long SKU/UPC.
  • Reports: Fixed issue with showing stock totals when filtering by specific location in PDFs.
  • Miscellaneous: Fixed issue with switching tabs in the upgrade screen after visiting settings.

Telesto on iOS  8.0.0     Telesto on Android  5.0.0     Telesto on Windows Telesto on macOS Telesto on Linux  7.0.0


  • Purchase Orders: Easily convert to invoices.
  • Users: Enhanced permissions for creating invoices and deleting products.
  • Settings: Option to bypass stock checks when invoicing (except upon completion).
  • Settings: Turn off reserved stock management.
  • Products: Adjust stock and reserves for individual products across locations.
  • Reports: Group reports by warehouse for better batch insights.
  • Batches: Generate labels (barcodes) creation for batches, including product details, batch name, and expiration date.


  • Purchase Orders: Product names now display with their SKU.
  • Reports: Added ability to filter transactions by user.
  • Batches: Access control based on user location assignments.
  • Invoices: Automatically hide completed orders after 30 days; re-visible through a filter option "Include older orders".
  • Miscellaneous: Interface and language refinements.

Telesto on iOS  7.11.0     Telesto on Android  4.5.1     Telesto on Windows Telesto on macOS Telesto on Linux  6.6.0


  • Settings: Option to turn off unassigned locations.
  • Products: Enable "Select All" option.
  • Support: Introducing a New Ticket System.


  • Stock updater: When using the "current stock update", past transactions linked to the selected product and location will be deleted.
  • Reports: Added "Sales Value" column (stock * selling price) next to "Total Value".
  • Security: Backup generation and CSV imports restricted to admins.
  • About: New support panel for ticket creation or email contact.
  • Miscellaneous: New and improve upgrade section.


  • Products: Resolved stock transfer glitch.
  • Products: The button to delete multiple products wasn't clickable.
  • Permissions: Users were able to reset the stock for unassigned locations without permissions.
  • Reports: Corrected PDF and Excel export issues for "products grouped by category" report.

Telesto on iOS  7.10.0     Telesto on Android  4.4.3     Telesto on Windows Telesto on macOS Telesto on Linux  6.5.0


  • Product Management: Easily create baskets and add products (Material Requirements Planning MRP).
  • Bulk Categorization: Simplify the process of assigning categories to multiple products at once.
  • Stock Updater: Quickly filter inventory by category, location, or supplier.
  • Enhanced Readability: Darker red text to ensure WCAG AAA compliance.


  • Advanced Product Search: Improved support for extended Latin alphabets.
  • Desktop Edition: Telesto now supports both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows systems.
  • Security Enhancements: Strengthened RESTful API security measures to prevent abuse.
  • Password Recovery: Clearer messaging regarding the process of sending a recovery email.


  • Desktop Edition: Resolved issue of blank screen in Windows Server 32-bit.
  • Miscellaneous: Addressed various bugs and implemented enhancements for improved functionality.

Telesto on iOS  7.9.1     Telesto on Android  4.3.0     Telesto on Windows Telesto on macOS Telesto on Linux  6.4.1


  • Users: Access permission for stock history.
  • Products: AMultiple image uploads (Platinum subscribers).
  • Customers: Set preferred language for invoices.
  • Customers: Add aliases for customers with identical names.
  • Invoices: Stock availability required for invoice creation.
  • Reports: New total product value column.


  • Reports: Filter products by location and category.
  • Settings: Report-related values redirect to reports post-save
  • Invoices: Customizable company name and email.
  • Stock Updater: Mandatory location selection.


  • Invoices: Multiple fixes for the reserved stock feature.
  • Miscellaneous: Various bug fixes and enhancements.

Telesto on iOS  7.8.0     Telesto on Android  4.2.0     Telesto on Windows Telesto on macOS Telesto on Linux  6.3.0


  • Products: Easily customize and generate barcode labels for all your products.
  • Customers: Add and update business information
  • Customers: Now you can manage multiple business contacts.


  • Sales Orders: The total amount is now automatically calculated.
  • Miscellaneous: several report improvements and bug fixes
Thank you for your support!

Telesto on iOS  7.7.0     Telesto on Android  4.1.0     Telesto on Windows Telesto on macOS Telesto on Linux  6.2.0


  • Sales orders: Stock reservations are now available in Telesto!
    • Stock will be reserved for invoices with any status except delivered.
    • Reserved stock will be released when an order is marked as delivered or deleted.
    • Invoices, stock distribution, and stock updater will display available stock (excluding reserved stock).
  • Users: Added the option to add the keg tracker button.
  • Users: Added a new permission to control invoice deletion.
  • Globalization: New languages added => Swedish, Javanese, Tamil, and Hindi.


  • Users: Minimum selection of two buttons for your users' dashboard.
  • Products: Disabled the ability to refresh products by dragging.
  • Security: Accounts with multiple failed login attempts will now be suspended.


  • Products: Fixed the issue with filtering products by supplier.
  • Sales orders: Fixed the issue of location duplication in the invoice module.